Monday, 14 April 2014

The Difference Between All Those Computer Oriented Engineering Fields

Computer Engineering vs Software Engineering vs Computer Science vs Electrical Engineering

CEG vs SEG vs CS vs ELG

Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering. As a Computer Engineering student at the University of Ottawa, I've been asked more than once what the difference is. Hopefully I will be able to clarify.

Software Engineering (SEG)

Lets start with Software Engineering. Software Engineering is focused on the high level architecture of software. Software engineering does not worry too much about actual code or data, and instead work with levels of abstraction and the organization of code and data. While this may be true, there is still plenty of technical stuff to focus on. Software engineering students will still have programming courses. They will learn about object oriented design patterns, data structures and algorithms, databases, and software construction.

Computer Science (CSI)

Next up, Computer Science. Depending on the University, Computer science may not be considered to be in the faculty of engineering, but it is very closely related. Computer science approaches software from a mathematical point of view. Computer Science students will learn about things like data structures, algorithms and measurements of algorithmic efficiency, and linear algebra.

Traditionally in Canada (and now in some schools in the United States), engineering graduates will get an 'iron ring' as part of their graduation ceremony. This ring is meant to represent the heavy burden that engineers must face when making important decisions. If an engineer builds a shoddy bridge, it may fall down and kill people. This ring is worn as a mark of pride and honour. Since computer science isn't technically part of engineering, CS graduates may not get this ring, or may not be able to become 'professional engineers'. So, if you really want that ring, you may need to check specific school ruling to be sure.

Electrical Engineering (ELG)

Electrical Engineering is all about hardware. Electrical engineers will be working with a lot of circuits and and electricity, as the title may suggest. This doesn't just stop with simple circuits, though. ELG students will take courses for signal analysis and processing, communication systems, control systems and the like. At my university, electrical engineering students have the option in one of the following:

  • Communication Systems
  • Systems Engineering
  • Electronics
  • Microwaves and Photonics
  • Power and Sustainable Energy

Computer Engineering (CEG)

Computer Engineering is the most confusing of the bunch. Computer engineering is a bit of a hodgepodge between the rest of the fields mentioned. Computer engineering focuses mostly on the design of computer systems and the low level interface with software. Differentiating it from Computer Science and Software Engineering, there will be a considerable hardware aspect to the field, although unlike Electrical Engineering, the focus will be on digital electronics instead of analogue. Taking computer engineering, you can expect to learn about assembly code, CPU designs and architecture, as well as a general overview of the contents contained in the other fields mentioned.


So, in conclusion, software engineering is nice if you would like to focus on software design; computer science would be better if you are interested in the mathematics of computing; Electrical Engineering is for those that wish to learn mostly about hardware; and computer engineering is a balancing act between the other fields with focus on the interface between hardware and software.

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