Thursday 27 March 2014

CS Games: AI Challenge

Last weekend I attended the 'CS Games'. The CS Games are a Canadian computer science competition that, this year, was hosted at ETS in Montreal. In this post, I will be looking at one of the challenges I participated in: The AI Challenge.

Being my first attempt at a CS games event, I had no idea what to expect. There were 3 people from our school team working on this challenge, and upon arrival, we were told that we would be writing an AI for a two team capture-the-flag snowball fight. There will be two teams, each AI controlled by a different university. Each team has seven players and the goal is to steal the flag in the middle of the course, and bring it back to the starting position, or to knock out all of the players on the other team. To prevent a rush for the flag, at least 20% of the players in the game must be knocked out before the flag can be picked up. Teams will fight a succession of games across a tournament bracket to see who is the best.

The AI Challenge. Two snowballer gangs enter, one leave.

The systems provided was a Kubuntu machine with no internet access. Documentation was provided on a local server. We had two computers to work on, both with a file-system synced with the logged in user (uottawa). So, if we changed a file on one computer, it would change the file on the other computer.
Standard software provided included: gedit, Java, Python, Netbeans, eclipse, emacs, vim, and anything else you could want for a 3 hour programming challenge. We were allowed to chose between two languages, Java or Python. To keep things simple and quick, we decided to develop with Python using gedit.

To implement the AI, we were provided with a class representing our 'gang' and needed to implement a single function named 'compute', which took a world state as a parameter, and returned a list of actions that our snowballer team would take. The available actions were: throw a snowball to a destination, move to a
destination, pick up the flag (if close enough and unlocked), drop the flag, or do nothing. Each snowballer is only able to take a single action per frame. Throwing a snowball takes more frames the farther it is being thrown, but faster moving snowballs also do more damage. The files provided implemented a server to host a game, and two clients. The clients came with a sample AI that moved around randomly and threw snowballs in random directions.

Each challenge at the CS Games are allotted 3 hours to complete. "Plenty of time!" we thought, and got started on thinking up a solution. It seemed that there were two basic philosophies to chose; either the team will split up and move independently, or the team will work together focused on the same thing.
One idea that came up was to treat the snowballers as boids. Boids are a simple flocking modelled after the movement of swimming fish, and birds in flight. Boid behaviour has three simple rules:

1) Alignment: all boids want to align movement direction with other boids around them;
2) Cohesion: all boids want to keep close to other boids, and move closer if too far away;
3) Separation: all boids want to keep space between them and other boids to
avoid crowding, and will move away if too close.

Although the rules are very simple, the behaviour that results is surprisingly complex. Here is a fairly good demonstration of what boids are capable of:
XnaBoids - Swarm Intelligence Demonstration
and for more reading on boids, see:

Although boids might be a good candidate for this game, seven snowballers probably wouldn't be enough for proper flocking; and it would probably be best to split up to prevent being hit by stray snowballs intended for a teammate nearby.

Taking inspiration from our favourite algorithms, we concluded divide-and-conquer solution would be a good plan. We decided that our snowballers would split up into squads of two and work on taking out the weak spread out AI our opponents may create, or surround the grouped AI that might be an alternative. From this we decided that 3 squads would work, two squads of two snowballers, and one squad of three snowballers. This way each squad could also have a unique AI to increase the chance of one behaviour surviving. Having to implement the 'gang' class, we started working on rearchitecturing the solution
so that the gang contained multiple squads, and each squad could have it's own

At first the going was slow. Although we had two computers and could use GIT to collaborate, we were both trying to add features to the same files and had to wait until the other committed. By the time we figured out our strategy and got the basic classes up, half our time had already passed! Further time was spent
getting basic controls going on, and figuring out how to use the API provided.

One problem that took way too long to get working was the throwing. If a snowballer was told to throw when currently throwing, then the new throw would interrupt the current throw. Potentially a required behaviour, but when you have three hours to make something, the 10 minutes needed to figure out why its not
working, and further time required to fix it, is time spent in frustration. By the end of the first AI challenge, we had a single two person squad that moved up to the same y-axis as the flag and throwing like floppy fishes; not a successful AI. We submitted the sample AI unmodified, and hoped for the best.
Perhaps we over-engineered for a challenge of three hours.

The next day when it was time to start the second round, we were determined to at least get something working properly. Focusing on the squad AI that stood next to the flag, we decided to make them into a 'defence squad' by adding logic to have the squad move around the flag in an orbit, stopping only to throw
snowballs at any visible enemies. The two squad members would trace a circle around the flag, each standing on opposite sides of the circle. This behaviour was added in experimentation, but it ended up being surprisingly effective.

After getting the throwing logic working correctly, the squad members would be able to peg the enemy units with consistency. The two members of our 'defence' squad were able to take out the entire enemy team of the sample AI. To be fair, the sample AI were mostly driven by 'math.random', but this still felt like a
fair achievement for our previously faltering AI.

In the end, the 'defence' AI worked so well, all squads were assigned the 'defence' AI, with some modifications were added to orbit at different distances from the flag for each different squad but otherwise following the same behaviour.

Furthermore, this flag-grabbing 'defence' AI was told to delay rushing for the flag. This was added in anticipation of other AI running straight for the flag as soon as it is available for grabbing, and thus will be mowed down by our AI on guard.

In result, our AI got second place out of about thirty teams! In going from nothing at the end of the first challenge block to second place at the end of the second challenge block, I would say that the AI challenge was a success.

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